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Women Are Powerful! by Surina Samaroo and Lily Peterson

Updated: Mar 16, 2019


We truly are. During Women’s History month on today’s International Women’s Day, we need to focus on the purposeful role of ALL women in our society. International Women’s Day is a day when nations around the globe remember the accomplishments of the suffragettes and continue the fight towards complete gender equality under the law. Women of every background, race, and ethnicity have a story to tell about their experiences. These stories do more than entertain or inform; they connect our diverse world of women together with our shared experiences of struggle in society. As a first generation American, the stories of my family’s IndoCaribbean roots resonate with me and drive me to pursue a future for myself as a modern day woman. I strive to push the boundaries of financial independence, marital expectations, and career aspirations. Because of the women before me, I have the opportunity to explore my freedoms. As I share my story, I am empowered to do more to demand equality for myself and other women like me. America has been called a melting pot of cultures, but intersectionality is the key to making sure the voices of all women are heard. We are no longer trapped within a standard perspective of the female experience. Thanks to social media, diverse perspectives now have their own place to share their inequalities. Diverse experiences now flood our newsfeeds and open our eyes to the stories we never would have heard without social media. As we educate ourselves on global women’s issues, we’ve gained a new appreciation for the life experiences different than our own. Through the “women supporting women” movement, we are creating a culture of celebrating our differences and encouraging women to strive for excellence in their lives. And on this 110th International Women’s Day, I chose to immerse myself in the stories of the brave women before us. I see Lady Liberty and the story of my immigrating to this country, hopeful for a better future. She served as symbol of American life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness then and now for women of the 21st century. I’m inspired to know that the future of our community and country lies in the hands of strong women who want to challenge the status quo. The future is female. Women across the globe are pushing back boundaries and breaking glass ceilings everyday. The 21st century woman embodies courage, practice resilience, and inspire hope to everyone that follows. We are women. We are powerful and we are not going anywhere but forward.

Written by Surina Samaroo and Lily Peterson

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